Monday, January 11, 2021

Last Legend Setting/Pre-Campaign Overview

I had been running an up to date wiki, including session logs, for my current tabletop RPG campaign via Scabard, but my Scabard subscription expired and I haven't decided if I want to resubscribe yet. 

Still, I want to keep up with writing and posting session logs, so this seems like a potential place to put them. But I want to give some context for the campaign for people who might see the posts here that aren't involved in the campaign itself. I'll be posting them at an accelerated rate until I get caught up with what where we are in the campaign now.

Last Legend

The name of my campaign is Last Legend. It is set in an original fantasy setting called Tsud'uula. The feel/genre/content that I am going for, genre-wise, is Final Fantasy meets Horizon Zero Dawn, meets

some other things that I don't want to spoil yet.

Last Legend uses the Open Legend Tabletop RPG game system, a setting neutral system which is considered "open source." All the rules and character options for Open Legend are available online from


Tsud'uula is a land powered by magic and machinery. The people have brightly chromatic colored skin in all colors of the rainbow.

The arrival of Arcanium, mechanical devices powered by arcane crystals, promises to revolutionize the world, but its place is still uncertain.

Artifacts of steam, smoke, and clockwork are plentiful, aiding the people of the world.

The remnants of the Refraction Wars, the technology and Robots of the Colorless pose danger to those who would wander the world.

The fifteen regions of Tsud'uula have been in a delicate and relative peace, but that peace tilts ever more toward war.

A great shadow stretches forth, to consume all in darkness , but hope remains.

Our story begins in the small town of Mūsūyya, in the valley around Mount Yunnup, as a festive atmosphere reigns through the town. The Mūsūyyan Arcanification Celebration is a great time for many people from all across Tsud'uula. But will the happy day be disrupted by outside forces?

Tsud'uula History

  • (-10,000-0 approx) The Colorless Era-Flesh colored humans called the Colorless walked the world and developed technology alongside creatures made of living crystal.
  • (-2,000- - 1,000 approx)The Refraction Wars-humans warred against the Living Crystals
  • (-1,000-0 approx) The Echoing Eclipse-humans built robots that turned on them and caused the world to enter a dark age
  • (0 approx) Humanity emerged, now multicolored, on the surface of Tsud'uula, a world filled with magical crystals
  • (470-512) The Machine Age-humans progressed harnessing machines powered by steam, smoke, and clockwork.
  • The Arcane Age-started recently; humanity has invented machines combining mechanics and arcane crystals (Arcanium)

Regions of Tsud'uula
  • Amhozian Forest-A forest region
  • Barren Panman-A land of smoke and ash
  • Bluksuri Mountains-Mountains with underground cities
  • Chyshetben Ridge-A ridge of mountains that produces large quantities of coal
  • D'ungun Lava Fields-A region plagued by a series of volcanoes
  • Guugbian Crystal Fields-A region where arcane crystals are plentiful
  • Hifdi Saltland-An island focused on producing the world's salt.
  • Kstivan Isle-An island filled with machinists who build the best mechanical devices
  • Lupwuian Tundra-A frozen icy land.
  • Mibsatsian Islands-Islands
  • Mount Yunnup-A tall mountain and the fertile land around it
  • Senken Desert-A dry sandy desert
  • Sniyan Plains-A land of constant storms that has become the home of Arcanium
  • Soaring Ranyo-A series of flying islands
  • Tozman Wastes-A barren wasteland

Player Characters

  • Aanso-A time mage trying to prevent a terrible future
  • Arthur Grant-A machinist from Kstivan looking for someone from his past
  • Balthazar-An elementalist from Sniya, and a member of the League of Arcanists
  • Kesua-A mysterious figure, capable of moving through the shadows
  • Tyosa Doska-The son of a family of merchant princes from Hifdi

If You're New to My Blog...

I am an author of books and gamemaster of tabletop RPGs. These topics are the primary subjects of my blog. My primary project for the last several months has been The Book of Destiny which is a book that I've been presenting in audiobook format over a podcast called "The Books of the Universe." The full audiobook has now been posted at this point.

The Book of Destiny takes place in a shattered multiverse and focuses on a scattered group of characters facing many threats to the worlds including a group of world destoryers, monsters, the return of dragons, and the void itself. Check it out from the beginning at: or on your podcast service of choice by searching "Books of the Universe."

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